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Cynosure Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal, Hair, Laser, Skin Treatment

Unwanted facial and body hair can be embarrassing. Covering up isn’t always practical. And traditional solutions like waxing, plucking, shaving, and creams only remove hair for a little while.

Jay Michael Trussler, DO, and our aesthetics team understand you need better results than these methods provide. That’s why Dr. Trussler offers Cynosure® laser hair removal at our clinics in Manchester and Monteagle, Tennessee.

Read on to learn about what Cynosure laser hair removal can do for you.

What is Cynosure laser hair removal?

Cynosure laser hair removal is a quick and easy way to reduce unwanted face or body hair. Using cutting-edge laser technology, the Cynosure laser targets the protein cells at the root of your follicles.

These cells provide nutrients that support hair growth. Dr. Trussler and his team use Cynosure lasers to blast these cells without damaging your skin. The result is skin that remains hair-free for longer.

What areas can I have treated?

Cynosure lasers can be used safely on most body parts, including the face, underarms, arms and legs, back, bikini area, chest, and shoulders.

Dr. Trussler works with you to determine a treatment plan for the areas where you want to eliminate or reduce hair.

Does Cynosure laser hair removal hurt?

Cynosure laser hair removal is commonly described as painless, involving a tingling or tickling sensation, like the snap of a rubber band. Sometimes the skin is slightly irritated for a short period after treatment.

The sensations experienced during Cynosure laser hair removal vary based on the location of hair removal and time required. Sensation also varies depending on your tolerance to discomfort.

How long do treatments take?

The duration and number of treatments vary depending on the area of the body targeted, how much hair needs to be removed, and pigmentation of your hair and skin. For example, the upper lip might take 1-2 minutes while removing hair from your back could take an hour.

For the best results, repeat treatments are recommended. This allows the laser to blast hair at different stages of growth. Most patients achieve results in 3-6 treatments, but everyone is different. Dr. Trussler develops a plan that’s right for you.

What results can I expect?

Cynosure laser hair removal offers fast and effective reduction of unwanted hair. But different areas and types of hair respond at different rates. Typically, you see a decrease in the thickness of hair and the amount of hair present after each treatment.

Over time, you’ll also see less stubble and new hair growth. Hair removal lasts several months for most patients, and for some it can last years.

If hair does come back, most patients report finer, lighter-colored hair. It’s not always a permanent solution, however, and you may need maintenance treatments for long-term removal. Dr. Trussler helps set expectations to give you the smooth skin you desire.

Ready to explore Cynosure laser hair removal? Call one of our convenient locations today or request an appointment online.

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